
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Autumn Cookies.

First of all, welcome to my new followers! I love coming to read your blogs too!

I am a lady who doesn't like to bake. One of my friends was very surprised when she found this out. Apparently I send out an 'I-like-baking' vibe. Things have started to change lately, and I am enjoying it more! I think i figured out what I don't like about it in this process. It's flour. It's too messy! I think if I had a pretty kitchen-aid like this one in my home someday, I would feel differently.

Ah, to dream.

Anyways, I did do some baking when I was home for thanksgiving. I made salted caramel apple cookies! And they were so delicious! I found the recipe here.

Salted Caramel Apple Cookies:

1 3/4 quarters cup of flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts
Set aside dry ingredients.

Wet ingredients:
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs, room temperature, well beaten with fork
1/2 cup quick cooking oatmeal
Stir in:
1 cup raisins (I did cranberries!)
1 and half cups chopped apple

First, mix the dry ingredients all together in a pretty red bowl (i suppose you don't have to do it in a red bowl). 

2.    Cream butter and brown sugar together in another pretty red bowl. Add beaten egg, oatmeal and fruit.

(I cut the apples this size)

Add bowl of dry ingredients. Mix well.
Drop from teaspoon on to greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes.

I forgot to take pictures of the finished product. I know, I know, the best part I forgot to take pictures of. But don't worry! Go take a look at the pretty pictures of these delicious cookies at Echoes of Laughter blog.  

Want to know something else really neat? I got to be part of the October blogger swap over at Mr. Taylor and His Lady! Go check out her blog and a bunch of other beautiful bloggers she features. 

Third neat thing of today, my mom started an Etsy shop! She make the best mittens. I do mean the BEST! Find out for sure by reading a review on my sister's blog. And visit my mom's shop here! Buy some mittens! They're eco-friendly!

So now that you've got lots of links to read: recipes, blogs, etsy shops, go to it friends! Go on now!



  1. and they were delicious cookies to say the least ;) your blog is delightful, I choose to follow you!!!

  2. Thanks, my dearie! I'm busy sewing, so keep coming back to see more in my shop.
    Love you,

  3. Ooo, this looks yummy! I don't particularly like to bake. It's messy. And I don't really like too much sweet food! I may well try out your recipe though :) xxxx

  4. For someone who doesn't really bake, these cookies look great. I guess that I will have to try them out though if I want to see the finished product. :) I bet they will go great with warm apple cider. I'm glad that I stumbled onto your blog.

  5. Wow, these sound amazing! And I share your dream for a kitchen-aid mixer! Oh, it would be lovely...

    Katie x
