
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November Lovelies

It's the last day of November, or how we've known it at college, Movember. Oh my, you should see those male furry faces. Yuck. But tomorrow is December! This month flew by for me. Now my calendar for December is filling up with Christmas gift exchanges, exams, and finishing off a semester. November is a transition month, from those lovely fall colours to the holiday season! Here are my favourites of November.

1. Holiday Dress

If I could have a fancy Christmas party to go every weekend, I would not be complaining. Well, that's what I say anyway. I'm sure I would get a tad tired of them after a while. Here's what I would wear!

                                                                               Source: via Ashlie on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: via Ashlie on Pinterest

2. Interesting Home Ideas (nothing to do with all)

Sometimes I think, what will my future home look like? And of course I have a million crafty ideas and dreams, and there are some wild ideas that are so fantastic out there. Here are a few.

                                                                        Source: via Belinda on Pinterest

                                                                     Source: via Nealie on Pinterest

3. Christmas Music!

Here is come music I need this holiday season!

She and Him Christmas.

Michael Buble Christmas.

Best of Amy Grant Christmas! The fact that she made more than one Christmas album speaks volumes. Yes, Amy Grant, I have spent Christmas with you since before I can remember. Everyone needs this album.

That wraps up November! Lack of outfit posts cause it's cold and wintry, and lack of creative projects cause homework has been excessive! What has your November been like?

See the rest of the 'Lovelies' posts here.



  1. That red dress is calling my name! Great post!

  2. wow, that penny floor and tree house are QUITE impressive. just saying ;)
    xo TJ
