I recently re decorated my bathroom and needed a little something in a frame to add just a bit more color to the room. The fresh, light blue walls and chocolate brown accents really just asked for this compolation of purple, green and blue patterns to complement it.
Here's what I came up with.
Who says sewing is restricted to fabric?
The ribbon wind capturing the dragonfly in flight.
Money doesn't grow on trees, but perhaps buttons do?
I'm not the first to use scraps of paper for a little project (surprising, i know). Here's a few other projects of wall art I've recently become inspired by.
buttons and fabric display art -from Design*Sponge
toilet paper rolls to a pretty wall design -from Design*Sponge (and another one-from Homemade Mamas)
memo board from an old frame -from Rocky Bella
I like this project :)