They might be. But! It causes such inspiration. Oh my...let me tell you! I've been noticing a few things.
I've been thinking about is having more regular features. I already have the 'Lovelies' feature, once a month. (Just look for the tag Lovelies..or, to be simple, click here).
I would really like to create more regular features. Keep things organized, keep me from babbling on. So as soon as I come up with those, I will announce them!
Also, I have really appreciated seeing who other bloggers are. It's so nice when they tell where they've been, the things that consume their day-to-day lives. Don't you agree?
I really don't have much about myself in the 'About Me' page. Mostly just things I like to do.
So who is kristen?
Well. I am a Starbucks Barista currently. I have a fantastic family, and a pretty swell boyfriend. I believe God has created a lot of beauty, and blogging is such a fantastic way to share that. I live in the prairies of Canada. Yes, it may be quite flat, but also very beautiful. Hot summers, cold winters. (And no, I don't live in an igloo). I am fairly talkative, extremely optimistic, and a little reserved with non-pleasant emotions. Please email me if you have any burning questions about the oh-so-exciting life of kristen.
It's really a win-win situation to have beautiful photos. I try, but I don't consider myself gifted in that area, so, if anyone would care to share their photos on my blog, PLEASE let me know! I would be extremely honoured! And hey, become a follower if you like. Or Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Ah. Thanks for listening. Now a treat!
Jenni and I made cute little lace and felt flowers.
I found the idea for the felt flower here.
And I found tea crates at a garage sale!
I did a little research (googled it) on Browne and Ashley Tea Company, not much I could find. One thing I did find was that someone was selling this same shelf on Ebay for $10! 50 cents was my fantastic deal!
Does anyone know who the Browne and Ashley Tea Company is?
I'm going garage sale-ing tomorrow and hope to share some lovely finds! I can't wait! What does your weekend consist of?
Me and my sister have gone garage-sailing a few times after work recently, not great luck, but she managed to snag a sweet plate for $0.50 (it was filthy, but it all washed off) and I got taboo for $3! No weekend plans though. I'm just going to chill.