Well, a week later, it was also my boyfriend's birthday.
Is that stressful?
Just kidding! But apparently, I'm easy to buy for. And let's just say I am not very good at finding good gifts (we are saying it cause it's true). So I get him a nice book, a nice shirt, and what does he do?
Gets his grandma's old bike, sands it down, and repaints it my favourite colour! Yes! He did!
All taken apart.
And THEN...
Look at that nice red chain guard! Mmm, so nice!
So a few days later, we enjoyed some iced lattes (they were gone relatively fast)...
(he makes lattes and bikes), and headed out for a ride! Twas quite pleasant!

Is that a basket on there you say? Why yes, it is! I don't see why all bikes don't have baskets. They are the best!
I love my bike!
My outfit (though the bike is what really matters): cardigan: forever21. tee shirt: old navy. necklace: ardene's. shorts: dynamite. shoes: Toms.
Here's some more fun with bikes!
Want to order your own, sort of vintage bike? I think this is kind of neat. Design your own bike on Urban Outfitters.com! Pick your style and colours too!
Like Bicycles, but looking for something a little on the smaller side? Try wearing one around your neck from this Etsy shop or this one.
Prints of old bicycles are always fun. Here are my favourites on Etsy:
This Printed Transfer can go onto a Pillow. (only $1 folks!)
Is anyone else enjoying an old or new bike this summer? Please share!
aw, i want this bike! so jealous!